There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To define one's identity on the basis of our sexuality alone is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you. G.S.
My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best human efforts to make sense of our lives - and of our human sexuality in particular - also including the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium. The Church has been accumulating much valuable wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik
In each case, please go to the link for the complete article.
Brief Introduction to this post: When in December 1531 the Mother of Jesus appeared to Juan Diego on Pepeyac Hill, which is now Mexico City, she left a miraculous image of herself on his tilma, his poncho. This is the only image we have of Mary that comes from her and / or from God. In her image she was immediately recognized by the local indigenous population - "Indios or Aztecs" as a woman, a pregnant mother, and a woman from Heaven, from God. In fact, she seemed to them so attractive, so humble and kind, so well disposed; that in the following decade 9 million people were baptized. Until then, the Spanish missionaries had made very little progress in evangelizing the people.
In all her apparitions, Mary appeared as a most beautiful young woman, and her clothing is reported to have rendered her femininity and also every movement of her limbs. Her dress was modest because it is not designed to provoke, or seduce, or attract, but rather, to invite to an encounter and a conversation. This is perhaps the only instruction we have from God, apart from numerous references and instructions in Sacred Scripture.
There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - is that we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To identify oneself on the basis of just the one element of our sexuality is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you.
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik
👉 1. A Few Thoughts on Men's Dress at Sunday Mass by Brother André Marie - May 10, 2010
👉 2. Dress Up for Mass! by Sam Guzman - July 27, 2013 - July 27, 2013
👉 5. Some Thoughts on Modesty / Immodest Dress - April 25, 2016
👉 6. Establishing Practical Norms for Modesty in the Light of the Church's Teachings - 1999
👉 7. IMMODEST DRESS - The Mind of the Church by Louise Martin - 1901 - WARNING - This text sounds dated in its language and there are typos; still, it addresses issues which are ever relevant in human society because our human nature remains what it is from one generation to the next. The substance of this text remains pertinent for us today for anyone who truly wishes to please God and to live and behave in a way that benefits others and avoids doing harm.
👉 8. Marylike Modesty Handbook - Purity Crusade of Mary
Immaculate - 1988
👉 10. What our Daughters (and sons) Need to Know about Modesty - by Kelly - July 2, 2013
👉 11. Scriptural Examples of Proper Dress - by William V. Manson - April 25, 2016
👉 12. Some Directives of the Magisterium on Christian Modesty - 1998
👉 13. "Those Who Serve God Should Not Follow The Fashions" - Our Lady of Fatima
COMMENT: An excellent overview of appropriate dress at Church. Gilles Surprenant
👉 17. Papal Audience & visiting the Vatican Dress Codes - (International minimum standard)
(There is no direct link for this article but it is included in a huge collection of articles HERE.)
👉 20. Modesty in the Culture of Shamelessness - by Michael O'Brien - October 8, 2008
👉 22. SCREAMING FLESH - by Jayme-Dawn Kryskow - October 2003
👉 23. A Brief History of Modesty by Abigail Williams - 2014
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👉 1. A Few Thoughts on Men's Dress at Sunday Mass by Brother André Marie May 10, 2010
(Excerpted from a Sunday bulletin)
A question I received in the question box recently claimed that much ado is made over women’s dress and little over men’s dress at our chapel. I’ve done some reflecting on it, and the point is taken. Prescinding from the particulars of the question, its general theme merits our attention as a Catholic community striving to be a miniature Christendom.
Therefore, I would like to address the subject of dress — this time, for men only (“no girlz allowed”).
I will state a blunt fact: Women’s dress is a concern because transgressions in this area are more often associated with the moral problem of immodesty, and the consequent problem of lust. As the male of the species are all fallen sons of Adam, female immodesty is something that adversely affects male morals quite strongly. (It usually does not work the other way round.) However, while women’s fashion misstatements err on the side of immodesty, men’s tend to err of the side of slovenliness. Therefore, another blunt point is in order: Men (notice I avoid saying gentlemen) — quit being slobs! Queer looking haircuts, T-shirts, jeans, and “the casual look” in general (much more, “the caveman look”) are not appropriate for Sunday Mass.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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👉 2. Dress Up for Mass! by Sam Guzman - July 27, 2013
Society is growing more and more casual. I have seen people shopping for groceries in their pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. I’ve been to world-class classical concerts where people are dressed in Hawaiian shirts and jeans. In fact, it’s hard to think of anything people will dress up for anymore. Even weddings and funerals are getting more and more casual.
This bothers me because how we dress is a sign of how much respect we have for ourselves and for other people. If we don’t dress up for anyone or anything, it’s a sure sign that we don’t respect anyone or anything.
Dressing up is a small sacrifice
Looking sharp takes effort. Putting on a well pressed suit and tie, rather than a wrinkled t-shirt, takes time. Shaving, rather than sporting a scruffy five-o-clock shadow, takes a little bit of effort. Combing your hair, rather than letting it stand on end, requires a small amount of work. It is exactly these little sacrifices of time and effort, though, that tell other people that they are worth it.
Trust me, I know it’s not easy for men. We naturally don’t want to make that effort. I guarantee that if you do, though, you will feel like a million bucks. You will feel more manly and more confident.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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👉 3. A Catholic Teen’s Thoughts And Tips On Modesty - Written By Cailin Boswell - 2019
The teen years are a time when fashion is at the forefront of most girls’ minds. Everyone wants to fit in, look beautiful, and attract attention. It can be a difficult time to navigate for Catholic young women. Cailin of Catholic Teen Posts shares her thoughts on the subject of modesty in the hopes of encouraging other girls her age in their effort to dress in a way that brings the right kind of attention!
I would like to present my take on modesty. This is not about sparking a religious debate. Although men should also practice modesty, I am writing this for my female Christian beauties.
I am not anywhere near an expert on modesty. In fact, I do not think it is possible for anyone really to be, for modesty is not just the clothing we wear but about not drawing attention to ourselves, whether that be in the way we talk, the way we think, or the way we treat others.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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I sent out a notice to the Fundamental Baptist Information Service e-mail list and asked the following question of the men on the list who are members of fundamentalist and independent Baptist churches:
“In your opinion, which of the following items of female dress cause a real potential for lust?”
short skirts tight skirts slit skirts long skirts with slits to the knees sleeveless blouses low cut blouses and dresses tight blouses sheer blouses
T-shirts V-neck dresses form-fitting jeans looser-fitting pants shorts one piece bathing suits
[We included pedal pushers and capris in the original survey but most of the men did not know what they are, so it turned out that the comments on those items were too irrelevant to include in this book.]
My objective in this is to help girls and women in strong Bible-believing churches to understand how men think, not only men in the world or men in churches in general but men in the very churches that they attend.
I received a flood of response to this survey. In just one day I received well over 100 responses from men ages 24 to 74 and from many parts of the world, and that was on a weekend, and they are still coming in a week and a half later. This tells me that there is a readiness on the part of men to let women understand how they see this issue.
As you will see, the responses were very earnest. The men are discouraged that lust is such a powerful temptation in their lives, and they admitted that it is so. Some of the men literally begged me to tell the women that their manner of dress is important and that they need to understand how men look at things.
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👉 5. Some Thoughts on Modesty / Immodest Dress - April 25, 2016
“The Church knows and teaches that the human body, which is God’s masterpiece in the visible world, and which has been placed at the service of the soul, was elevated by the Divine Redeemer to the rank of a temple and an instrument of the Holy Spirit, and as such must be respected. The body’s beauty must therefore not be exalted as an end in itself, much less in such guise as will defile the dignity it has been endowed with.” -Pope Pius XII, “Moral Problems in Fashion Design”, 1957
Today’s Fashions
Think today’s fashions are “no big deal”? Think that following the dress of the crowd is okay? Think again! Many (most?) popular fashions today are offensive to God, sinful, scandalous, occasions of sin, enticements to sin, and display a lack of regard for the body as “a temple of the Holy Spirit”. Everywhere we see tight, form-fitting clothes, bare skin, exposed undergarments, etc. We also see women dressed like men (e.g. wearing men’s trousers – and now even men’s undergarments) and young girls dressed like women of ill-repute (e.g. skin-tight clothes, exposed midriffs, low-cut tops, etc.). It seems that many people today have completely lost the sense of modesty.
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👉 6. Establishing Practical Norms for Modesty in the Light of the Church's Teachings
By The
National Coalition of Clergy and Laity
As we establish
norms of modesty for those under our charge, we should do so in the light and
under the direction of the Church’s official teachings. From the earliest days
there has been a clear teaching on the necessity of purity. The Gospel
according to Saint Matthew (5:27-28) records the very words of Our Lord.
You have heard
that it was said to the ancients, “Thou
shalt not commit adultery.” But I say to you that anyone who so
much as looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery with her in
his heart. Saint John Chrysostom instructed women of all times about dress when
in the fourth century he declared:
You carry your snare everywhere and spread your nets in all places. You allege that you never invited others to sin. You did not, indeed, by your words, but you have done so by your dress and your deportment. … When you have made another sin in his heart, how can you be innocent? Tell me, whom does this world condemn? Whom do judges punish? Those who drink poison or those who prepare it and administer the fatal potion? You have prepared the abominable cup, you have given the death dealing drink, and you are more criminal than are those who poison the body; you murder not the body but the soul. And it is not to enemies you do this, nor are you urged on by any imaginary necessity, nor provoked by injury, but out of foolish vanity and pride.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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👉 7. IMMODEST DRESS - The Mind of the Church by Louise Martin - 1901
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👉 8. Marylike Modesty Handbook of the Purity Crusade of Mary Immaculate - 1988
This is taken from the "My
Life In Prayer" book; I could not find any copyright so hopefully nobody
will mind that I'm putting this online. (The very beginning of the prayer book
says, "Any part of this publication may be translated or reproduced in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording
or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented,
without permission in writing from the publisher. It was printed in June 1998.)
It was initiated December 8, 1944, the Feast of
the Immaculate Conception.
Out of respect for Our Lord and for the edification of our neighbour, we beg women and girls to appear in Church modestly dressed. Slacks, shorts, sleeveless and low-cut dresses do not meet the norm of Christian modesty. Your cooperation is evidence of your love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and respect for the House of God. "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." Our Lady of Fatima, 1917.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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Over the past few months, we have been asked to write more on chastity and modesty. Since thisis the beginning of a new year, we thought these would be good virtues to work on so we can be better rolemodels for our children and our community, and witnesss-es to the Catholic faith, with which we are so blessed.
We have had a couple of good, holy priests in our par-ish who were a great asset in encouraging and demandingmodesty in dress, so much so, that communion was refusedto women improperly dressed. But never did this happen without Father gong immediately after Mass to instructthe person about his reasons for doing so. These priests were very gentle in their approach. However; one definitelygot the message that it was not appropriate, or respectful,to approach Our Lord at the communion rail improperlydressed. It was likewise made clear that it is a sin to be a dis-traction in church, or to be an occasion of sin to another.
We have always respected those priests for their cour-age and commitment to not only teach the necessity ofmodesty, but to enforce it. After all, if we want to callourselves, or claim to be, Catholics, we must live as wit-nesses to the rules and guidelines Holy Mother Church hashanded down to us. In these modern times we have driftedso far from what the Church expects of Her Children that we most often cannot distinguish Catholics from non-Catholics. As Catholics, we are all called to become holy,to become saints, and to bring others into the One TrueChurch. We are so grateful to Almighty God for our faith-ful and courageous priests who aren’t afraid to preach andteach the truths upon which Christ founded His Church.
In all fairness to our Catholic population, many havegrown up in the Church never being properly catechizedon Her teachings. If they were taught the reasons whythings were done as they are in the Church, most wouldaccept, rather than question, the customs. As good Catho-lics hungry to know and understand our faith, we mustlikewise encourage our priests to teach us these truths.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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Every year around this time I see articles circulating facebook and blogland that detail exactly why a christian woman ought not to wear a bikini or some other "immodest" article of clothing and I am reminded, as much as I love the church, how broken our view of womanhood and modesty are. Bottom line? You are not responsible for another person's choice to violate you; whether with his mind or his eyes or his heart or his hands. None of it is your fault. Ever.
Here's what I most want my daughters to know about modesty: Girls, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are treasured and valued. It is not your clothes that make you beautiful, but your spirit, your love, your joy and service and the very fact that you are a creation of The Most High. And although there is forgiveness for sin and God is in the business of redeeming our mistakes, there is great beauty and blessing in saving certain pieces of yourself,physically and emotionally, for the man you will spend your life with. God cares what you wear, because he cares about your heart. Seek him first, and whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.
And son, I want you to know that ultimately lust stems from the human heart, not a woman's body. You are responsible for where your eyes go,where your mind goes, what your heart chases after. But also that you are capable. The world is trying to brand you as simple and weak, but that is not who you were made to be. You are not a hopeless pawn in a world saturated with sexual desire but are able and equipped in the strength of the holy spirit to see your mind renewed.
COMMENT - I agree with this author's critique that as Christians and as Church we should not shift the entire blame and responsibility for lust to women and how they dress. However, the flip side is woman's desire to be noticed and appreciated, to be attractive. Women can be ill served by fashions that are designed to glue men's eyes to their physical / sexual features; whereas the Word of God clearly advises and instructs women to deliberately avoid this and rather dress in order to highlight their inner radiance and beauty of character and spirit as well as their good works. I do believe that women who truly want to please God and care for their male brothers do make efforts to avoid dressing in a manner that is designed to be provocative or seductive; whether or not this is their conscious intention. We often accomplish what we do not intend; a reality check is useful.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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👉 11. Scriptural Examples of Proper Dress - by William V. Manson - April 25, 2016
This study includes biblical examples that have to do with the subject of proper dress. First we will peruse several scriptures that portray proper clothing as being used for specific situations, and we have no countermanding examples. Proper attire is repeatedly portrayed in the Scripture in analogy with righteousness. It would not be wise to do this if there was to be a time when proper clothing would no longer be respected by righteous people.
(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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1. The Mind of the Catholic Church on Modesty in Dress
Often today we hear sensible people complaining about the immodesty in dress that is seen everywhere and unfortunately even in our churches. But, objectively speaking, where do we draw the line and call a garment immodest? And how can we be sure that we ourselves are dressing with proper Christian modesty that is pleasing to God? This booklet is provided to answer these questions. For on this subject, through his Church, God has made his Will clearly known. Perhaps for some, this booklet will be the litmus test to determine whether or not they are truly willing to deny themselves, to take up their cross, and follow Jesus.
The Need for this Booklet
It is widely known that Pope Pius XII often said: “The greatest sin of our modern generation is that it has lost all sense of sin.” 1 It is less known that more specifically he once stated: “Many women . . . give in to the tyranny of fashion, be it even immodest, in such a way as to appear not even to suspect that it is unbecoming. They have lost the very concept of danger: they have lost the instinct of modesty.” 2 These words spoken over 50 years ago ring more true today than ever (and not only for women). For in today’s postChristian society where indecent and improper dress have become the norm, even among good-willed and devout Catholics there is much ignorance as to what is meant by proper Christian modesty. Yes, even the most virtuous of Catholics who attend daily Mass and have an intimate relationship with Jesus, frequently are not fully aware of the Church’s teaching in this matter. Could it be that this booklet is for you? May Our Lady, our true Mother, be with you to enlighten you to understand and to be receptive to the Will of God in this matter — for indeed, it may be a challenge.
This booklet has been prepared, therefore, to provide all those who have been given the immense privilege of calling themselves Catholic the information they need to be well aware of the mind of the Church, and therefore the mind of Christ, on what constitutes proper Christian modesty and decency in dress. (Go to one link or another for complete article)
Readable version: 👈
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With the lazy, hazy days of summer upon us, I have been asked to address the topic of appropriate dress for church on Sunday. However, at the moment, I’d like to focus the attention on appropriate dress for lay people while serving on the altar in the capacity of lector, usher or Eucharistic Minister.
Last week I was addressing a group of professionals on the topic of “professional” dress and presentation. It dawned on me then, that we wouldn’t dream of griping about the heat and our comfort or lack thereof (among other things) when attending an interview or a business meeting. However, I guess church seems to be lumped in the category of “weekend” dressing and therefore we find it easier to bemoan the formality of dress that is expected. Besides, our livelihood is not connected to it; funny the role that little detail plays! In my opinion, serving on the altar is a privilege and when we are on the altar we become “presenters”. I doubt anyone would attempt a business presentation other than in business attire. So the need to modify the expectation for a presentation at church really baffles me. Further baffling is most priests’ reluctance to upset the apple-cart by addressing the topic.
Thank you for all the feedback on my last article on dressing for service on the altar. By popular demand, here are my thoughts on general congregational dressing…
Several weeks ago my daughter and I were driving through a College campus when we saw a young student dressed in jacket and tie (it wasn’t cold) walking to Sunday service. I commented that he couldn’t be headed to the Catholic Church – I was right! No big Sherlock moment here, just a commentary on the unfortunate lack of dress and decorum at a Sunday Mass. 👈
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(Go to link for complete article) 👈
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👉 17. Papal Audience & visiting the Vatican Dress Codes - (International minimum standard)
(Go to link for complete code)
(Go to link for complete code)
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Scandals can come through various sources, e.g. profane paintings and sculptures, immodest dresses, loose lifestyles and even toys. All these may cause the loss of many souls. Immodesty in dress, apparent in everyday life, is the most common source of scandal. It is not only a major problem in our own times, but it is also one of the greatest stumbling blocks to our own salvation and to the salvation of others. Though modesty or immodesty is usually attributed to women, this is not entirely true, for even men may dress immodestly. The heart of a person can be seen by how he/she attires his/her body. We have only to go back in time and reflect on how Satan duped our First Parents Adam & Eve, to see where we stand today.
Clothing has been in existence since time immemorial; in fact, since Adam and Eve. Before their fall it was Sanctifying Grace that covered their nakedness. Genesis 2:22-25 tells us “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame,” because God had created them in His own image and likeness: holy and pure; without sin, blemish, or guilt. Indeed, they were one with God and with each other. After their fall, through the sin of Disobedience, they lost Sanctifying Grace, Integrity and Immortality: “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons… (Genesis 3:7)
By violating
God’s command, their whole being, body, soul and spirit, was profoundly
affected by sin. Even after covering themselves with fig leaves, Adam was still
hiding from God, because he was afraid on account of his nakedness. It is from
this point on that the tale began of immodest dress, which, on account of fallen
human nature, arouse the base passions of men and leads them into sin.
Instinctively, therefore, Adam felt that his own and his wife’s nakedness
needed to be covered.
We know that
leaves are fragile and would disintegrate in no time, so they could not provide
the required protection. Could it be that, since these aprons did not provide
enough coverage in God’s eye, “the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments
of skins, and clothed them”? (Genesis 3:21)
If God had
permitted nakedness, he would not have clothed our first parents. But God did want them t be clothed and so
clothed them Himself! How misguided therefore are the nudists, who
have created nudist colonies, thinking they are going back to nature.
(Go below for complete article) 👇
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👉 20. Modesty in the Culture of Shamelessness - by Michael O'Brien - October 8, 2008
October 8, 2008 ( - I’ve been pondering recently, as I have so many times over the years, what Our Lady meant precisely in the messages of Fatima when she spoke about the offences through the clothing fashions that would develop in the years following the apparitions. Appearing to Blessed Jacinta Marto between December, 1919 and February, 1920, she said, "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." And "Woe to women lacking in modesty."
Clearly, Our Lady is neither a repressive puritan nor a prude. It goes without saying that neither is she a libertarian. She is beautiful in heart, mind, body and soul. She is without sin and thus she is subject to neither unholy shamelessness nor to personal shame. She is prudent, modest, and wise about human nature. She loves with the fullness of indwelling divine love, which means that she loves with an eternal motherly heart, concerned above all with the ultimate good of each of her children.
Much of current fashion, especially for women, is an assault upon the ultimate good of those who wear such clothing. It is cunningly designed for attraction, enticement, and seduction, reinforcing the great lie which dominates modern consciousness. This lie tells us that the body is simply an object which we possess as our own, to do with as we like.
(Go below or follow the LINK for complete article) 👇 👈
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(Go below or follow the LINK for complete article) 👇 👈
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👉 22. SCREAMING FLESH - by Jayme-Dawn Kryskow - October 2003
“Let all flesh be silent at the presence of the Lord; for He has risen out of His holy habitation.” Zechariah 2:13
As women, are we aware of the ways our bodies speak or even scream as we encounter men? Do we want our bodies to scream at men or praise God?
The issue of modesty has always been a struggle far me. “Clothes are just clothes and men should control their eyes, self‑control is a virtue, DUH!” is what I thought. The over‑indulgent attitude of our society, that our lives and our bodies are our own, has had a great impact on me. We all live in our own bubble and as long as we are not being harmed we must not be doing anything wrong. It is crazy how many of us hove been deceived.
When I had entered high school, I become acutely aware of the power of the female body. The power present was not just the idle reality of what the female body looks like, there is also a great power in the way that the body moves and is dressed. I took advantage of this power at times and was amazed at the response, the ability to turn a guy’s head was exciting and fun and all I had to do was walk by them. Ironically, I often got mad at guys when I felt like they were treating me like "a piece of meat", not realizing that I was putting myself an the meat shelf,
Then, my sister spoke....
My sister had gone through a very powerful conversion and this had a big impact on her role as a big sister. I remember one of the first thugs she ever taught me was about modesty. She explained that as women, we are responsible for the men around us. If we wear clothing that causes a man to sin in his thoughts, we as women are held responsible. Yes they are also responsible for what they choose to look at and think. Our responsibility is in not teasing them with a sinful pleasure. The clothes that we wear may even affect the destination of the men around us for eternity. In other words, if a man is going to hell because of lustful thoughts nurtured by an immodestly dressed woman, we will have to face the consequence of placing the temptation before them.
This was my first lesson on
modesty. My immediate reaction to this
news was a sense of excitement and power.
Wow! We truly hold much power in
our hands and we are the only ones who can really help protect men from the
monster of lust.
(Go below or follow the LINK for complete article) 👇!Amyv6OjUkKMfjwHbTztcL4hB3752?e=qGI8NZ 👈
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👉 23. A Brief History of Modesty by Abigail Williams - 2014
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There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - is that we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To identify oneself on the basis of just the one element of our sexuality is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you.
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik
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👉 20. Modesty in the Culture of Shamelessness - by Michael O'Brien - October 8, 2008
never casts nature aside or cancels it out. Rather it perfects it and ennobles
it." - John
Paul II, On the Dignity and Vocation of Women
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👉 22. SCREAMING FLESH - by Jayme-Dawn Kryskow - October 2003
“Let all flesh be silent at the presence of the Lord; for He has risen out of His holy habitation.” Zechariah 2:13
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👉 23. A Brief History of Modesty by Abigail Williams - 2014
© 2006-2023 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal QC
© 2006-2023 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC
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