Showing posts with label human trafficking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human trafficking. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Worldwide Sexual Revolution - originally sparked by criminal manipulation of facts - but still seeking to be free of morality, meaning, or purpose


There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To define one's identity on the basis of our sexuality alone is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you. G.S.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best human efforts to make sense of our lives - and of our human sexuality in particular - also including the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium. The Church has been accumulating much valuable wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7 
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik


In each case, please go to the link for the complete article.










👉 In an age of #MeToo, women take a ‘second look’
at the sexual revolution
 By Courtney Grogan Washington - D.C., Jun 1, 2018

“Unlike our forerunners in 1968, those of us living today now have access to something they didn't -- 50 years of sociological, psychological, medical, and other evidence about the revolution's fallout,” said author and scholar Mary Eberstadt in the opening speech at a conference entitled, “The #MeToo Moment: Second Thoughts on the Sexual Revolution.”

👉 Randy Engel column 
Meticulous documentation and references and easy readability are the hallmarks of Randy Engel's investigative writings. She has received numerous awards for excellence in investigative journalism including the Linacre Quarterly Award for Distinguished Writing by the Catholic Medical Association.

👉 The Global Sexual Revolution 
Print Editions 
The core of the global cultural revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well—a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture, even a civilization. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social, moral, and transcendent orders, the identity of man and woman is dissolved, and free rein given to the maximum fulfillment of polymorphous urges, with no ultimate purpose or meaning.

👉 Global Sexual Revolution and Assault on Freedom and Family 
German author and sociologist Gabriele Kuby discusses “gender mainstreaming”, the new totalitarianism, and being called a “homohater” 


There are facts and truths that the "Gay Lobby" doesn't want society or public opinion to know, that even IT doesn't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - is that we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To identify oneself on the basis of just the one element of our sexuality is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you.
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik


👉 What Are the Kinsey Reports? 
 Strategy in defense of youth and their innocence - May 24, 2017
The Kinsey Reports are two books on human sexual behavior: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), written by Alfred Kinsey. It is now verified that Kinsey fabricated the data he presented, taking data from incarcerated sexual criminals and from boys who were experimented upon by pedophiles, and then extrapolating that data to create the impression it was data relating the behavior of normal people in the general population. 

👉 The Kinsey Coverup 
The Kinsey Coverup refers to the paid efforts of the mass media and the Kinsey Institute scientific establishment lobby to hide the facts of child sex abuse and fraud as the basis of Kinsey's alleged "scientific data" on human sexuality. Spiking legislative investigations into these barbaric “scientific” crimes and Liam Neeson’s glossy portrayal of Kinsey in the 2004 Kinsey feature film, qualify as part of this 60 year plus cover-up. At this link (above) you'll find a brief history of various legal actions on this matter, links to actual sex crimes in the Kinsey Reports, The Kinsey Institute's responses, articles about the Kinsey movie and other related documents. We hope this information will pique your interest. If so, we will add more information on this revolutionary change agent over time.

👉 The Kinsey Institute Exposed: 
A Warning to Parents & Governments 
Throughout the World PDF FILE 
On April 23, 2014 the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction was granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). This decision was based in part on misleading testimony regarding the nature of their work provided by a Kinsey Institute representative to the United Nations Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations. From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish their sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families. For this reason the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civic leaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s work has been, especially for the world’s children. This brief will show how the past and present actions, goals and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage.

👉 The Line Running from Charles Darwin through Margaret Sanger to Planned Parenthood 
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a racist and a proponent of eugenics, to breed a superior human race in the name of Darwinian biology. By John West Published September 7, 2015

👉 The Rite of Sodomy:Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church   Kindle Edition (4 book series) 
"Author Randy Engel in The Rite of Sodomy has given readers a thoughtful, detailed, and very comprehensive overview of the history and ramifications of homosexuality and pederasty, and this provides a broad base for the detailed, exact, and well researched facts concerning the present ever expanding apparent social and political 'power" of the "Homosexual Collective" within and without the Roman Catholic Church," "The entire volume is a definite, carefully chronicled documentation of facts - naming names - and reinforced by the thousands of endnotes (footnotes) and covers entire historical periods," states Cillis. "The author has covered her subject from ancient times, throughout all the periods of human history, up to the present."

👉 Boiling frogs and silent lambs - July 15, 2015 
Planned Parenthood selling baby parts - Why are we not upset? A mother's perspective. 

👉 The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion 
Retro Report on "The Population Bomb" (1968) By CLYDE HABERMAN - MAY 31, 2015
The second half of the 1960s was a boom time for nightmarish visions of what lay ahead for humankind. In 1966, for example, a writer named Harry Harrison came out with a science fiction novel titled “Make Room! Make Room!” Sketching a dystopian world in which too many people scrambled for too few resources, the book became the basis for a 1973 film about a hellish future, “Soylent Green.” In 1969, the pop duo Zager and Evans reached the top of the charts with a number called “In the Year 2525,” which postulated that humans were on a clear path to doom. No one was more influential — or more terrifying, some would say — than Paul R. Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist. His 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” sold in the millions with a jeremiad that humankind stood on the brink of apocalypse because there were simply too many of us. Dr. Ehrlich’s opening statement was the verbal equivalent of a punch to the gut: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over.” He later went on to forecast that hundreds of millions would starve to death in the 1970s, that 65 million of them would be Americans, that crowded India was essentially doomed, that odds were fair “England will not exist in the year 2000.” Dr. Ehrlich was so sure of himself that he warned in 1970 that “sometime in the next 15 years, the end will come.” By “the end,” he meant “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.”

👉 Thinking It Through: The Consequences of Polygamy 
Karlo Broussard - April 11, 2017 - 
Defenders of traditional marriage argue that redefining marriage to include same-sex unions undermines marital permanency (lifelong union) and exclusivity (only one spouse). If biological sex doesn’t matter, they argue, then why should duration and number? This is called a reductio ad absurdum argument. It attempts to show the absurd conclusions that legal recognition of same-sex marriage logically leads to—namely, the legal recognition of “temporary marriage” as well as multiple-partner marriage. Since we can no longer assume that the culture views the above unions as absurd, defenders of traditional marriage must mount a different defense of permanency and exclusivity. And the way to do this is the same way we defend sexual complementarity in marriage: we look to nature’s design for human sexuality.

👉 What you think you know about human trafficking is probably wrong     Washington D.C., Feb 11, 2016 - Human trafficking. It’s been called “modern-day slavery” and a “silent epidemic.” It affects tens of millions every year and yet remains largely in the shadows – even within the United States. Much remains to be done in fighting the scourge of human trafficking, say experts and survivors. And that starts with a better understanding of what trafficking really looks like. But while initiatives based on awareness, prevention and recovery are taking place at different levels throughout the country, a key part of efforts to combat the practice may be at risk.


👇 "I want my sexuality to be fulfilling!" ðŸ‘‡

The surprisingly positive Catholic view of sex and love 

As Catholics, how do we approach sexuality? 

Knights of Columbus - Catholic Sexual Ethics 

👉 Sex, Sin and Salvation: What Augustine Really Said  
David G. Hunter, PhD - July 2, 2013 
A more careful examination of what Augustine actually said and preached discloses that he did not at all hate sex and pleasure; as many of his critics have claimed, especially in modern times. 

👉 Declaration on Certain Questions of Sexual Ethics 
Published by Scepter - 
By The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 
  At the Audience granted on 7 November 1975 to the undersigned Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Sovereign Pontiff by divine providence Pope Paul VI approved this Declaration "On certain questions concerning sexual ethics," confirmed it, and ordered its publication. Given in Rome, at the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 29 December 1975.

👉 Sexuality and Human Development 
There are a number of discourses touching on human sexuality. Many of these discourses carry agendas held and promoted by various interests, but all too often they treat human sexuality as something rigid, closed and determined for all time. In adopting such materialistic perspectives, they leave out any consideration of the very complex and dynamic process of human development. It has been established in psychology and psychotherapy that the human developmental process does not come “full circle” until the early twenties. In other words, human beings – from the moment of conception until they arrive at the threshold of adulthood – go through a number of developmental stages. At each stage, something new develops and is added to the overall character and personality of each unique human individual. By the age of 18 or so, all the elements of humanity are “in place”; from that point on, it becomes a question of ongoing experience and development.

👉 God's Plan for Life and Love 
KofC Magazine Columbia - January 2011 - Promoting Human Dignity
AS EVERY good medical student knows, “do good” and “do no harm” are basic principles of medical ethics. Like the Hippocratic Oath, they not only embody the purpose of health care but also reflect a practical understanding of human nature. They imply that human beings possess dignity that should be respected and promoted and that our actions toward others are objectively good or harmful. 

👉 No Sex, please  
A growing number of young people are identifying themselves as asexual - not interested in physical relationships - even though the world around them is charged with sexual imagery. By DONNA NEBENZAHL - published by The Gazette, Montreal QC Canada - May 9, 2005 

👉 Towards a true sexual liberation   
I want to be happy … You want to be happy … They want to be happy … Yes, everyone is looking for happiness. Everyone wants to be happy! Usually, as we look for happiness, we intuitively seek it in love. Why should this be a surprise? We were made by Love personified, and for Love with a capital “L”! We are made to love and to be loved. 

👉 How the GLS Inspired a Pastor to Care for Victims of Human Trafficking in York Region 
Garry James is the pastor at Valley View Alliance Church in Newmarket, Ontario. Before August of 2010, Garry James was a comfortable pastor in a suburban church in Newmarket, Ontario. According to Garry, Global Leadership Summit speaker Christine Caine wrecked his comfortable life that August as he watched her speak at the 2010 GLS. Caine, the founder of the international organization Abolishing Human Trafficking in the 21st Century (A21), told the story of a girl who was shipped overseas from North America to Greece with 60 other girls in a shipping container. 30 of the girls with her died due to an oxygen supply malfunction in the container, 20 drowned after being thrown overboard, and the rest were sent to a brothel in Athens. “In my generation?” Garry thought. “On my watch as a pastor? This is actually happening in my world?”

👉 How a nuns' home is helping girls freed from sex trafficking 
By Kevin Jones - 
Baton Rouge, La., Jan 11, 2018 - The numbers are staggering. Each year in the U.S. alone, some 300,000 minors are victims of sex trafficking. In Louisiana, state estimates indicate that about 40 percent of juvenile victims are being trafficked by their primary care giver: a mother, father, foster parent, uncle, a mother’s boyfriend. Father Jeff Bayhi has heard unspeakable stories of sex trafficking victims over the years. That’s why the pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Zachary, La. has worked to open Metanoia Home, a Baton Rouge-area shelter for sixteen women under age 21. Caring for the victims are four Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy from India, Nigeria, the Philippines and Madagascar.


👉 Sex Education: The Final Plague by Randy Engel
Proves why classroom sex education is always wrong and always harmful; that it destroys modesty; awakens the passions; promotes sexual activity and fosters acceptance of sexual sins. Shows where it comes from; who promotes it; that it is all-pervasive. Gives the Church's position; that sex education is the right and duty of parents only; which may be delegated to others; but never usurped! A must for parents; teachers and priests.

👉 Learning Content in Sexuality Education 
Québec Kindergarten and Elementary School 

Aperçu du programme du ministère de l’Éducation du Québec 

Reflecting on the New Sexuality Education Program in Quebec 

👉 ESCC Letter to the Québec Minister of Education 

👉 A History of Sex Education in the United States Since 1900 

👉 Grades 1-8 Health and Physical Education 
2 0 1 5 REVISED The Ontario Curriculum 


It is true that in many countries universal health care is not yet fully available or completely effective. Women often suffer - especially poor women - and even die when simply health care would have saved them. Comprehensive Sexual Education is being widely promoted, pressured, or imposed by various international NGO's with a vested interest in liberal sexual values. The hidden agenda is the promotion or imposition of widely available abortion services and contraceptive services, which ironically go hand in hand. Human and traditional values are deliberately or inadvertently ridiculed and CSE is touted as primarily to extend universal health services and care to women. So the hidden agenda of amplifying contraception and abortion is buried within the more humanitarian language of extending proper health care to women and girls. 

👉 U.N. organizations and NGO's involved in "Sexual and reproductive health" 

👉 Sexual health, human rights and the law - document 
NOTE: The following excerpts were taken directly from this publication. The excerpts clearly show that UNICEF, the World Health Organization and other partners in the Human Reproduction Program—including the UNDP, UNFPA, the World Bank, UNAIDS and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)—are pushing a radical abortion and sexual rights agenda under the guise of “sexual health.” Here is a critical reading of the above U.N. document by STOP CSE:
👉 Sexual health, human rights and the law - critique  


👉 CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool  
The CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool was created to help parents, school administrators, educators, and other concerned citizens assess, evaluate, and expose harmful elements within comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) curricula and materials. For more information, visit

👉 Evaluation of Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) Based on 15 Harmful CSE Elements 
Rights, Respect, Responsibility contains 15 out of 15 of the harmful elements typically found in CSE curricula. Since each of these 15 harmful elements has the potential of causing long-term negative effects on the health and well-being of children, having even one of these elements should be reason enough to disqualify a program from being taught to children. A program containing several of these elements should be banned from use in any school or community setting.

👉 The History & Agenda Behind CSE 
One of the main goals of comprehensive sexuality education is to radically change the gender and sexual norms of society and to establish rights for children as sexually autonomous beings.  In order to fulfill these alleged sexual rights, activists claim that children must have unfettered access to “comprehensive” sexual information that leaves no sexual knowledge behind. 

👉 How CSE is Disguised Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) comes in many forms and can be disguised under the banners of: 
(this is not an exhaustive list) - 
“comprehensive sex education” “sexual education” “sexuality education” “education, information or counseling on human sexuality” “comprehensive sexual health education, information or services” “ sexual and reproductive health training, education or information” “sexual health education or services” “HIV/AIDS prevention education” “life skills programs” “comprehensive education on human sexuality” “health and human rights education” “rights-based sexuality education” See complete list 

👉 UNICEF / Planned Parenthood Partnership Promotes Radical Sexual Rights for Children 
UNICEF and other UN agencies partner with Planned Parenthood through their Human Reproduction Programme (HRP). In their HRP publication, Sexual Health, Human Rights, and the Law, UNICEF and Planned Parenthood, along with their other partners are promoting abortion, sexual rights for children, the decriminalization of prostitution, the weakening of parental rights, health services for transgender sex changes, and much more.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best efforts as human beings to make sense of our lives in general - and of our human sexuality in particular - and to also include the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium; given that the Church has been accumulating the wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7     G.S.


© 2006-2023 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2023 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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"I worry that my husband may leave me." OR "I am troubled that my wife no longer loves me." What light is there to dispell our darkness from the Wisdom of God revealed in his Eternal Word?

  ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't...