Sunday, May 15, 2016

Reducing Sexual violence in schools - Written submission from the Family Education Trust


There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To define one's identity on the basis of our sexuality alone is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you. G.S.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best human efforts to make sense of our lives - and of our human sexuality in particular - also including the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium. The Church has been accumulating much valuable wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7 
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik


Written submission from the Family Education Trust (

Executive summary

·              The problem of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools is primarily an issue to be addressed individually at the local level. Parental involvement and engagement is crucial.

·              A study of the culture, ethos, curriculum and teaching practice of schools where there is little or no sexual harassment and sexual violence may help to highlight features which can contribute to a reduction of their occurrence in schools where they are more prevalent.

·              Governing bodies should seek to establish a counter-cultural school ethos in which sexual intimacy is considered and referred to with modesty, respect and restraint.

·              Schools should review their policies surrounding the confidential provision of contraception and sexual health advice.

·              There is no evidence to support the contention that statutory sex and relationships education (SRE) would reduce levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools. Local governing bodies should continue to formulate their SRE policies in consultation with parents and schools should remain accountable to parents.

·              The ‘supplementary advice’ document, Sex and relationships education (SRE) for the 21st century, does not provide a safe and reliable guide for schools to follow, and the Brook Traffic Light tool communicates messages that make it unsuitable as a safeguarding resource.

·              Parents have a vital role to play in monitoring their children’s use of the internet and social media. Schools should therefore take care to involve parents in the development of policies and strategies aimed at reducing levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

·              In view of the harmful effects of pornography, schools should not take a non-judgmental and non-directional approach. Rather they should use resources which explain the dangers of pornography, offer practical advice on how to avoid it, and urge young people to seek help if it has already become a problem to them.

1. Introduction

1.1              Family Education Trust is an independent research charity dedicated to researching the causes and consequences of family breakdown and promoting family stability and the welfare of children and young people. The Trust also publishes educational material for use in Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and sex and relationships education (SRE) classes in schools and other contexts.

Reducing levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools

2. Can schools tackle this problem individually or is national action needed to reduce levels of harassment?

2.1              The problem of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools is primarily an issue to be addressed individually at the local level. Parental involvement and engagement is crucial.

2.2              Headteachers and governing bodies must face up to the reality of sexual harassment and sexual violence where it is present in a school and resist the temptation to conceal or deny its occurrence. The problem needs to be honestly acknowledged in the local setting before it can be addressed.

2.3              It is important for the school to identify the perpetrators of sexual harassment and sexual violence and involve their parents in seeking to address the problem and prevent its recurrence. The school should also discuss with the parents of victims what additional support their children may require and explain what action is being taken to resolve the issue.

2.4              Where sexting is widespread and instances of sexual harassment and violence are not limited to isolated incidents, the school should communicate the nature and scale of the problem to all parents and seek their support to address and eliminate it. The harmful consequences of sexual harassment and violence should be spelled out, together with the steps that the school will take if any instances come to its attention.

2.5              Consideration should be given to the possibility that a relaxed attitude towards the provision of contraception to young people under the age of consent may be communicating the message that sexual experimentation is condoned and even expected. In turn, this could embolden young men in particular to put pressure on girls to engage in sexual activity. In many cases there may be a fine line between such pressure and sexual harassment.


2.6              Professor David Paton of Nottingham University Business School has found that: ‘Easier access to family planning reduces the effective cost of sexual activity and will make it more likely (at least for some teenagers) that they will engage in underage sexual activity.’[1]


2.7              Schools should review their policies surrounding the confidential provision of contraception and sexual health advice in view of these considerations and in the light of the findings of serious case reviews in Rochdale, Rotherham and Oxfordshire. These reviews revealed instances where authorities failed to act in order to protect young teenage girls from child sexual exploitation because they regarded underage sex a normal ‘lifestyle choice’ and because the ‘right of the child to confidentiality’ was being put before the need of the child for protection.

3. What role can other stakeholders, including teacher training providers, teaching unions, governors and parents, play in tackling this problem?

3.1              Governing bodies should seek to establish a counter-cultural school ethos in which sexual intimacy is considered and referred to with modesty, respect and restraint. School sex and relationships education policies should ensure that the accent is placed on sexual activity as an expression of love, which involves commitment and faithfulness.

3.2              An approach to sex education that places an emphasis on sexual pleasure and ‘informed choices’ is unlikely to discourage and reduce the incidence of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The focus needs to be turned away from self-gratification to self-giving in the context of a lifelong marriage.

3.3              The role of parents is key. Young people who are raised by parents who model mutual love and respect and who refer to sex only with modesty and restraint, are far less likely to become perpetrators of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

4. What action would be most effective in reducing levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools?

4.1              There is no quick-fix solution to the problem of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools. There are deep-seated cultural and social factors contributing to the present malaise which cannot be resolved overnight.

4.2              That said, it is important not to get the problem entirely out of proportion. Sexual harassment and sexual violence do not feature in all schools, and where they are present they do not occur in every school to the same extent. A study of the culture, ethos, curriculum and teaching practice of schools where there is little or no sexual harassment and sexual violence may help to highlight features which can contribute to a reduction of their occurrence in schools where they are more prevalent.

4.3              Young people have always had a natural curiosity about sexual matters, but this is now being fed to an unprecedented extent by sexualised messages and images via the media, the internet and some types of sex education. Parents have an important role to play in supervising and monitoring the exposure of their children to the media, their access to the internet, their engagement in social networking and their use of mobile phones.

4.4              We are conscious that advocates of statutory PSHE/SRE will be using this inquiry as a vehicle to advance their case. However, the evidence in support of the claims made for statutory PSHE/SRE is in short supply. Surprisingly little research has been conducted to evaluate the success of sex education programmes. An external steering group established by the last Labour government noted that: ‘[T]here is a dearth of good quality international evidence on SRE. A literature review of the international evidence that does exist confirms that it is difficult to be precise about the impact of SRE, for a number of reasons...’[2]


4.5              An examination of one ‘enhanced sex education programme’, for example, found that while the programme increased young people’s knowledge it had no discernable effect on sexual activity.[3] The lead researcher, Dr Marion Henderson commented, ‘It may be that we have already seen the limits of what sex education can achieve and we need to look wider at parenting and the culture in which children grow up.’

4.6              Professor Lawrie Elliott from Edinburgh Napier University undertook a review of evaluations of a number of sex education initiatives and found that they had little or no positive impact on the sexual behaviour of young people. He concluded that we may have reached a threshold in what can be achieved by population based interventions and commented: ‘Our findings challenge the conventional wisdom that traditional public health methods such as education in schools linked to sexual health clinics are able to affect the sexual health of the neediest in society.’[4]

4.7              There is evidence that, far from being the solution to sexual harassment and sexual violence, some kinds of sex and relationships education can exacerbate the problem. In spite of the fact that education law aims to protect children from inappropriate teaching and materials, Family Education Trust is frequently contacted by parents who are deeply concerned about their children being introduced to sexual themes at school in an inappropriate way and at an inappropriate stage in their development.


4.8              For example, several parents have reported instances where primary school pupils have simulated sex after viewing cartoon depictions of intercourse in the Channel 4 resource, Living and Growing, which is used widely in primary school sex education lessons. One parent wrote:

[T]he effects of what our children had been taught [soon] became alarmingly apparent. Children were found simulating sex on top of other children and some children were telling much younger children what they had learned, much to the horror of their parents. Still others were openly stating to parents that they now wanted to have sex.


Some children, including my daughter, became very upset and worried about the whole matter. She was not emotionally or mentally able to cope with this information…


I [finally] managed to find out what DVD the school had used and I and other parents watched it on the Internet in horror. It was so graphic and the narrative was appalling. It promoted sex as a wonderful feeling and exciting - no wonder some of the children now wanted to try it![5]

4.9              Most of the components of PSHE are the primary responsibility of parents; for example, nutrition and physical activity, drugs, alcohol and tobacco education, sex and relationships education, emotional health and well-being, safety, and personal finance.

4.10              The more that schools take to themselves responsibility for these areas, the less parents will be inclined to view them as their responsibility. If PSHE were to become a statutory part of the curriculum, there would be a very real danger that parents would no more consider themselves responsible for these aspects of their children’s physical, emotional and social development than they typically regard themselves as responsible for the teaching of English, maths, history and science.

4.11              In the wake of the 2011 riots, the Prime Minister called for parents to take more responsibility for their children and not to leave everything to schools. He lamented the ‘decline in responsibility’ in society and, stressing the need to instil in children and young people ‘the decency, discipline and sense of duty that make good citizens’, noted that, ‘The first place people learn these values is in the home.’ If the government is serious about encouraging parents to take more, and not less, responsibility for their children, the state, through its schools and other agencies, needs to take care not to undermine them by assuming a parental role.

4.12              In view of the particular sensitivities aroused by SRE in both primary and secondary schools, it is important that schools should be required to consult with parents and be sensitive to parental wishes and concerns. It is also vital that parents should retain the right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons for as long as they bear the legal responsibility for their children’s education. This legal right is in line with the fundamental principle of education law that pupils should be educated in accordance with the wishes of their parents,[6] and that due respect should be paid to the religious and philosophical convictions of parents.[7]

4.13              Given the absence of any evidence that children who are withdrawn from sex education lessons are more likely to engage in sexual harassment and sexual violence or placed at greater risk of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, there is no compelling reason to remove or limit the parental right of withdrawal.

4.14              Sex education policies and decisions about the delivery of SRE, including the choice of materials, should not be determined centrally, but decided at the local level in consultation with parents. However, if PSHE/SRE were to be made a statutory subject, it would inevitably result in a degree of central prescription and reduce the accountability of schools to parents.


4.15              The ‘supplementary advice’ document, Sex and relationships education (SRE) for the 21st century, published by Brook, in association with the Sex Education Forum and the PSHE Association, was ostensibly prepared to equip teachers to help protect children and young people from inappropriate online content, and from online bullying, harassment and exploitation. However, it represents the perspective of organisations advocating a highly controversial approach to sex education and does not provide a safe and reliable guide for schools to follow.


4.16              The ‘supplementary advice’ refers to treating sex as ‘a normal and pleasurable fact of life’, but it has nothing to say about the moral and family context in which sex is to be enjoyed. There is not even a reference to the need for fidelity and exclusivity. It is therefore not a suitable tool to be used in an effort to reduce levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools.


4.17              The Brook Traffic Light Tool is listed as a ‘useful resource’ in the ‘supplementary advice’. Described as a ‘safeguarding tool’, it states that sex involving 13-17 year-olds should be viewed in a favourable light, provided it is consensual and ‘between children or young people of similar age or developmental ability’. The green light is accordingly given to:

consenting oral and/or penetrative sex with others of the same or opposite gender who are of similar age and developmental ability.[8]

Such behaviour is deemed ‘reflective of natural curiosity, experimentation, consensual activities and positive choices’. Brook adds: ‘Green behaviours provide opportunities to give positive feedback and additional information.’

4.18              However, given the findings of the serious case reviews referred to above, it is irresponsible, dangerous and an abdication of adult responsibility for teachers, health professionals and others to treat sexual activity among 13-15 year-olds as healthy, safe and normal, and to offer ‘positive feedback’. If we are serious about protecting young people from sexual harassment, violence, exploitation and abuse, SRE lessons must uphold the age of consent law and not undermine it by promoting contraception to underage young people or by condoning or encouraging underage sex in any other way.


4.19              The Department for Education and the Department of Health should ensure that any advice and guidance they provide in relation to adolescent sex places a strong emphasis on the age of consent and in no way communicates the message that sex under 16 is a legitimate choice for young teenagers to make.

4.20              In the light of recent serious case reviews, the Department for Education and the Department of Health should review the impact of sex education programmes and ‘safeguarding tools’ such as the Brook Traffic Light tool upon professional attitudes towards underage sexual activity and child protection interventions.

What schools can do to support students to deal better with the online elements of this problem

5. What can schools do better to support their students to deal with sexual harassment and sexual violence online?

5.1              Schools should ensure that filters are in place on all computers in order to prevent the exposure of pupils to sexual harassment and sexual violence online while they are on school premises. However, the role of schools is limited, since many use iPhones and/or have access to the internet at home and at other locations outside the school environment.

5.2              The role of parents is therefore key in monitoring their children’s use of the internet and social media. Schools should therefore take care that they involve and engage parents in the development of policies and strategies aimed at reducing levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

6. What impact is pornography having on levels of sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools?

6.1              Pornography encourages the viewer to view and, by extension, to treat people as though they were objects. A major study of the effects of pornography on adults and children found that: 


Two-thirds of the males and 40 per cent of the females reported wanting to try out some of the sexual behaviours they had witnessed… And, among high school students, 31 per cent of the males and 18 per cent of the females admitted actually doing some of the things sexually they had seen in the pornography within a few days after exposure.[9]

6.2              Studies of the effects of pornography from outside the English speaking world show similar results. A study of Dutch teenagers found frequent exposure to internet pornography led to a greater desire to engage in casual sexual experimentation.[10]  A study of Italian teenagers found a significant correlation between pornography use and sexual violence. Girls who watched pornography were more likely to be victims of sexual harassment or assault, while boys who watched it were more likely to be perpetrators.[11]

7. What can be done by schools and other stakeholders to tackle the impact of pornography?

7.1              In view of the harmful effects of pornography, it would be irresponsible to present pornography as a topic for class discussion, devoid of any moral framework or direction. For some pupils it would run the very real danger of arousing a curiosity to searchout more pornography for themselves, and for others it might very well introduce the idea for the first time.[12]

7.2              Schools should therefore be discouraged from following the advice of the Sex Education Forum, which suggests that pornography is not ‘all bad’ and that young people need help in ‘interpreting’ it.[13] The ‘supplementary advice’ produced by the Sex Education Forum, the PSHE Association and Brook, referred to above, similarly takes a non-judgmental and non-directional view and does not provide a safe guide.

7.3              By way of contrast, the Lovewise resource Pornography: dangers and decisions aimed at pupils in Years 9-11 is marked by modesty and restraint. It clearly explains the dangers of pornography, offers practical advice on how to avoid it, and urges young people to seek help if it has already become a problem to them. Pupils are encouraged to think carefully about what they watch and read, to turn on ‘safe search’, to use a filter, to avoid using the internet alone and to be careful about what others show them. While care will always need to be taken in subjecting a sensitive issue such as pornography to classroom discussion, used with discretion by a wise teacher, this resource offers a valuable guide.[14]

May 2016

[1] David Paton, ‘Underage conceptions and abortions in England and Wales 1969-2009: the role of public policy’, Education and Health, 2012, Vol. 30 No. 2.

[2] Review of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in Schools: A report by the External

Steering Group, October 2008, para 22. See also T Stammers, ‘Sexual health in adolescents: “Saved sex” and parental involvement are key to improving outcomes’, BMJ, 2007, 334:103-4.

[3] M Henderson, ‘Impact of a theoretically based sex education programme (SHARE) delivered by teachers on NHS registered conceptions and terminations: final results of cluster randomised trial’, BMJ, 2007, 334:133.

[4] Edinburgh Napier University press release, 14 September 2010.

[5] Lisa Bullivant, Family Education Trust Bulletin, Issue 140, Summer 2010.

[6] Education Act 1996, s9.

[7] European Convention on Human Rights, First Protocol, Article 2.

[8] Brook, Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool, ‘Behaviours: age 13 to 17’,

[9] Bryant Jennings, ‘Frequency of Exposure, Age of Initial Exposure and Reactions to Initial Exposure to

Pornography’, cited by Victor B. Cline, Pornography’s Effects on Adults and Children's%20Study.pdf

[10] Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg, ‘Adolescents Exposure to Sexually Explicit Material on the Internet’, Communication Research, Volume 33 Number 2

April 2006 178-204

[11] Silvio Bonino et al, ‘Use of pornography and self-reported engagement in sexual violence among adolescents’, European Journal Of Developmental Psychology 2006, 00(0), 1 – 24

[12] See Norman Wells, ‘Sex education: is “Planet porn” really appropriate?’ Daily Telegraph, 11 March 2014.

[13] Sex Education Forum, Sex Educational Supplement, Issue 1, April 2013.

[14] Available from Lovewise -


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best efforts as human beings to make sense of our lives in general - and of our human sexuality in particular - and to also include the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium; given that the Church has been accumulating the wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7     G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Three Articles on Measures to Be Taken for Catholics to Recover from the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church


There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To define one's identity on the basis of our sexuality alone is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you. G.S.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best human efforts to make sense of our lives - and of our human sexuality in particular - also including the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium. The Church has been accumulating much valuable wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7 
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik


(1)   Remaining a Catholic in the face of tragedy   
By Margery Eagan 
                        On Spirituality columnist   November 3, 2015

(2)   Truth Is Needed to Free the Church From Sacrilege of Clergy Scandal - Now is the time to
                    cooperate — and cooperate fully — with God’s cleansing fire for his Church.

(3)    Janet Smith to Bishops: ‘Save the Church — Tell Everything’ - The professor of moral
                    theology says the scandal surrounding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick’s predations on                         children, seminarians and priests, has exposed a toxic problem in the Church that laity                             must help bishops to root out.


Remaining a Catholic in the face of tragedy   By Margery Eagan On Spirituality columnist   November 3, 2015

How can you spend your workdays chronicling thousands of cases of Catholic priestly sexual abuse — and still remain a Catholic?

Before the release of “Spotlight,” the movie detailing the massive abuse cover-up in Boston, I asked that of Anne Barrett Doyle and Terry McKiernan. They’re co-directors of, which documents that abuse from an office in Waltham, Massachusetts practically overrun by floor-to-ceiling files and more than 100,000 pages of Church records, court documents, media reports, letters from mothers of victims, victims themselves, and even abusers detailing their crimes. Doyle and McKiernan have done this work full-time for more than a decade now. Yet both not only remain Catholic, they say their faith has increased. Here’s how Doyle and McKiernan explained that a few days back in their Waltham repository.

 “Everything good in my life has come from Catholicism. I’ve never been more Catholic than I am now. It’s never been more vivid and important to me to pray every day,” said Doyle, a mother of four married 35 years now. She talked about the shared family rituals — the Masses, baptisms, weddings, Easters — with her kids, father, siblings (all 9 of them) and her Jesuit-schooled husband. But mostly she talked about her mother, her “hero,” who had a passion for trying to change the Church. She wrote letters to bishops “as a loyal critic,” Doyle said. “That’s exactly how I feel about our work. We’re loyal critics. I really do feel I’m doing this for justice for survivors, but also for the Church. It’s absolutely crucial that the Church fully owns up to this heinous and deliberate enabling.

“My parents are both 90, about to celebrate 70 years of marriage. My mother says about my father, ‘Can you believe how handsome this guy is? No wonder I had 10 kids with him. This man gives me heaven on earth.’ When I’m with them, it’s like I’m in a holy presence. “My mother,” Doyle said, “knows God with this vivid sense of God’s presence in everyone around her. “I see this joy and grace all coming from God, from the discipline of Catholicism and the self-questioning and the sense of reverence. My mother has a great deal of respect for the priests. But she imbued us with a sense that the laity needs to have equal power.”

Doyle took that lesson to heart. Once, at a packed Mass in her hometown parish, the priest said something the 14-year-old Anne didn’t like. The archdiocese had refused to baptize the infant of a local couple who’d been publicly pro-choice. “I heard the priest approving of that and I thought, ‘That baby’s not guilty. That baby should be baptized.’” So the teenaged Anne raised her hand from the back pews, stood up before the entire confused congregation, and said, “There is a second side of the story. That baby was innocent.”

Doyle took that lesson to heart again in 2002 when she first read about the sexual abuse crisis in The Boston Globe. “We were just a nice Catholic family minding our own business. The Sunday I read the stories, I said to my husband, ‘I can’t go to Mass today. I have to go to the cathedral (Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston where Cardinal Bernard Law said Mass) and confront Cardinal Law.’ ‘SPEAKING OUT IS HOLY.’ That was our sign.” Said Doyle, “I didn’t even know any victims until I met them then in picket lines. That was the beginning of my education about the corruption of the hierarchy, and it was the most profound spiritual education of my life.

“Now I choose every day,” she said, “to ask God to help me do his or her will, that my work be free from ego and anything petty. I repeat that many times a day. I don’t know where all this is headed or how this will end up, but my whole life, ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to be in touch with heroes. Now,” she said, working with survivors, hearing their stories, “I’ve been in touch with heroes. I’ve been in touch with saints.”

* * * * *

Terry McKiernan went to parochial school in the Bronx in the 1960s and then Fordham Prep, where a priest turned out to be an abuser and molested some of his friends. Yet there’s a St. Jerome medal around McKiernan’s neck and a rosary in his pocket beside a dog-eared copy of Emily Dickinson, “the greatest religious poet of all time,” he said. “She accepts the fact that being a religious person sometimes means being a despairing person and having a hard time. I think there’s been too much of a tendency after Vatican II to think religion makes everything nice — not really the road we’re invited to walk.”

He quotes from the beatitudes in Sunday’s gospel. The last one, he says, is particularly relevant: “Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of Me.”

Catholics themselves have insulted and resented and rejected not just the work McKiernan and Doyle do, but the stories of victims as well. Some still do. But McKiernan, like Doyle, said “being raised in the faith taught me that truth is important, that we’re better than this. Abuse is not a right-wing problem or a left-wing problem. Conservative priests do it. Liberal priests do it. We should all be able to get together on this.”

He also believes there’s something uniquely Catholic about the abuse he’s documented. How damaging it is for a child to be abused by a priest who’s called “father” and who has the power to change bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. How the shadowy confessional has too often turned into a fertile, secret place for victim recruiting. And again, post-Vatican II, how suddenly “newfangled and new-age” priests, McKiernan said, would take boys for walks and face-to-face talks or even face-to-face confessions, then “groom” and ultimately abuse them. Phil Saviano, a survivor depicted in “Spotlight,” remembers going to confession to the very priest who molested him. He’d “confess” that he’d yelled at his brother or lied to his mother. Then he’d add, “And Father, you know the rest.”

Said McKiernan, “These priests picked on really spiritual kids, really devout, and made them vulnerable. Yet you get to know survivors and they are amazing human beings, still the spiritual people they were when they were abused.” For a long time after the scandal broke, Terry McKiernan would leave his wife and kids and Natick home in the dark on Sunday mornings. He’d drive an hour and a half each way for an 8 a.m. Mass in East Longmeadow because Rev. Jim Scahill was the only pastor who’d publicly refused to send collection money to the Springfield, Massachusetts archdiocese when it kept a convicted child molester in its ranks.

“I didn’t feel I could go to Mass unless I felt really sure about the priest,” McKiernan said. “Then it just began to seem sort of ridiculous.” Now he goes to Mass at different churches, “parachuting in,” anonymously, soaking up different styles, different cultures. He receives the Eucharist. He says his Rosary. And he travels coast-to-coast collecting records from diocese after diocese — more than 100 cities so far — where known abuse has continued, hidden, for years. He said he still has terrible trouble going to baptisms “because we’re supposed to keep the (babies) safe and raise them in the faith. And then they get older and you just don’t know … to think of it is really haunting.”

Like Anne Barrett Doyle, McKiernan said working inside the abuse tragedy has strengthened his faith, if not his faith in the Church and its bishops. “I’m spending more time in Catholic churches than many priests do,” he said. “I’m thinking all the time about the Church and my relationship with it and what it’s all about. It’s this dilemma and paradox, a kind of attachment to it, as well as an aversion.”

Terry McKiernan said that during one such aversion moment, he briefly considered converting to Judaism. He’s thought about other forms of worship as well. But not anymore. “I am a Catholic,” he said. “I will always be a Catholic.”  

     VIDEO: Anne Barrett Doyle talks about her work

Margery Eagan, our spirituality columnist, is a writer and commentator on current affairs.


Truth IsNeeded to Free the Church From Sacrilege of Clergy Scandal     AUG. 7, 2018 

COMMENTARY: Now is the time to cooperate — and cooperate fully — with God’s cleansing fire for his Church. Father Roger J. Landry

The sad revelations about the sins of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, involving the sexual abuse of both male minors and seminarians, have brought the Church in the U.S. and beyond to a second recent phase in the necessary purification of the clergy of the Church. The first phase happened in 2002, after the disclosure that more than 4,000 (out of 110,000) priests had been accused in the U.S. of sexual abuse of minors in the previous half-century. The U.S. bishops convened in Dallas and adopted what has overall been a heralded systemic response to root out those who have abused minors from the priesthood, protect children and care for survivors.

But there were several major problems with Dallas. First, the phrase “credible accusations” was exceedingly vague and could encompass even accusations that were immediately demonstrably false. Second, bishops exempted themselves from the policy. Third, they didn’t have the courage to address what the data clearly showed was the main part of the crisis: It wasn’t pedophilia, or the sexual abuse of pre-pubescent girls and boys; rather, it was ephebophilia, the same-sex molestation of post-pubescent boys, encompassing more than four out of five accusations.

Fourth, they did not focus adequately on the corrupt culture that permitted such wide-scale abuse and the lack of determination to eradicate it: the practical toleration in many dioceses of priests living double lives, cheating on their vocations with men and women. As Father Thomas Berg recently wrote, “We can’t prevent the sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable adults by clergy while habitual and widespread failures in celibacy are left unchecked.”

The accusations against Archbishop McCarrick have exposed these last three lacunae in disgusting fashion. Several bishops, most notably Houston Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, have put out firm statements indicating that bishops must no longer be exempt, that all sexual abuse and harassment by clergy of anyone must be addressed — and all sexual activity by clergy is abusive, even if consensual, because it is spiritually incestuous — and that the Church must address the cancerous prevalence of an unchaste same-sex subculture in the clergy. These are not easy issues to talk or write about. They sicken and justly scandalize believers.

Light, however, is a great sanitizer. Just as the revelations of the thousands of cases of clerical sexual abuse of minors in 2002 was not the problem, but the abuse itself that had remained hidden for decades was, so the disclosures against Archbishop McCarrick and others in recent weeks, although nauseating and infuriating, are a necessary part of the healing process. The truth is needed in order to set the Church free of these sacrileges, which devastate individual victims and wound the whole Church. Since this second wave of scandals has hit, I’ve received hundreds of phone calls and emails from friends and reporters. The internet has exploded with fair questions that deserve answers. The faith of many in the Church as a holy, rather than corrupt, institution has been shaken. People don’t know what to think about their bishops or priests. They legitimately ask how such depraved misconduct could go on so long. I’d like to attempt a candid response to some of their many questions. How should we respond to this?

First, by reparation, because God is the most offended of all. Second, by demanding to get to the bottom of it, which is part of a firm purpose of amendment and will help to prevent its recurrence. Third, by focusing on living the faith. Jesus told the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) to teach us that our fundamental focus should never be on rooting out the weeds, but rather on the growth of the wheat. Every crisis in the Church is a crisis of saints, and God will respond to infidelity with many graces of fidelity to help bring the Church back to the holiness in earthen vessels that he wants to characterize it.

How could God permit such abuse? God created us free, free even to betray him and others. We see this in Judas and in the fleeing of the other apostles on Holy Thursday. To stop evil, God would have to eliminate our freedom. But God doesn’t remain on the sidelines as a shocked and impotent bystander. He always wills to bring good out of the evil we commit or endure, just like he brought the greatest good (Jesus’ resurrection and the eternal life it made possible) out of the greatest evil (the murder of Jesus on Calvary).

How could Archbishop McCarrick rise through the ranks while being guilty of such sins? It shows several clear holes in the process of selecting bishops. Before one becomes a bishop, there is a lengthy process with multiple confidential questionnaires sent out to many who have lived and worked with a candidate, but the process is only as good as the information given in response and the weighing of that information.

Once one is made a bishop, such thorough investigations are no longer part of the process. The candidate himself is never interviewed. While no process is perfect, this process is prone to gross errors, especially if someone has powerful promoters. In Archbishop McCarrick’s case, the process failed four times. His notorious case, the similarly infamous ones of Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien and Austrian Cardinal Hermann Groer, as well as recent scandals leading to episcopal resignations in Honduras, Chile and elsewhere, ought to precipitate appropriate reform.

How bad is the problem of same-sex unchastity in the clergy? It varies among different dioceses and religious orders, and no hard numbers exist, but in various places, it’s big enough to do serious damage.When priests cheat on their vocations with women, normally either the woman gets pregnant or gives the priest the ultimatum to choose her or the priesthood, with the result being that most priests who persist in infidelity leave the priesthood. It’s relatively rare, therefore, that an active priest has a long-term mistress, although when he does, it’s terribly corrosive.

Priests who cheat on their vocation with men or fellow priests, on the other hand, often continue to live the priesthood with a double life. When there’s a high enough incidence, it can dramatically impact the culture of Church institutions and presbyterates, because such infidelity in one area of priestly life often leads to infidelity and corruption in many others.

Seminarians in the 1980s often had to confront openly homosexual subcultures among faculty and seminarians. I was a seminarian in the ’90s, when the problem had begun to get cleaned up, but I still personally encountered it without nuance at the beginning of my seminarian application process and then while studying languages during summer break in a foreign country, when the priest tried to make his move 10 minutes after picking me up at the airport. Many priests, at some time or other, have come face-to-face with this clerical depravity.

Why didn’t people who suffered or knew of the abuse say anything? For the reasons that victims often don’t: They don’t think people will believe them, or, worse, they think those to whom they report the information will be part of the same corruption. Many have wondered, in particular, why the multiple seminarians whom Archbishop McCarrick pressured to share his bed didn’t say anything.

The reason, I believe, is that they didn’t know to whom to go; they didn’t trust that those authorities wouldn’t protect the predator, since, after all, they had made him a bishop; and they feared that McCarrick, if he found out, would be able to blackball them from following their priestly vocation. Instead, they put down their heads, focused on their training, and tried to remedy the evil by getting ordained and serving God and his people as God desires and they deserve.

To eradicate sexual abuse among the clergy, a known, trustworthy, effective, accountable reporting system is a must, and at present, it doesn’t exist. Is there hope that the situation will get better? Yes. In many ways, it already has, because of various reforms in the last few decades. But there are issues that must be confronted candidly. There is a strain in the Church that basically has no problem with sexual immorality among the faithful or clergy, who want to reduce this crisis to one of the “abuse of power.” This strain, in general, wants to use this second phase of this crisis like they did the first one, to pretend that “chaste celibacy” is the problem, as if allowing priests to have wives will eliminate the problem of same-sex molestation of post-pubescent boys or same-sex sexual infidelity.

Chastity, however, isn’t the problem; unchastity is. Abuse of power isn’t the main issue, but, rather, the sexual abuse that that power was used to commit and keep hushed. That’s why we need more than revised “codes of conduct” that state the obvious; the Ten Commandments, and the Church’s moral theology, are pretty clear, after all.

Fidelity is the only adequate response to infidelity, and holiness to sin and corruption. Just as there should be no room in the priesthood or episcopacy for those who would harm the young, so there should be no room for those who are determined to live corrupt double lives. God always seeks to draw good out of evil, and throughout Church history, he has shown this time and again. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. Now is the time to cooperate — and cooperate fully — with his cleansing fire.

Father Roger J. Landry is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts


NCR   Janet Smith to Bishops: ‘Save the Church —Tell Everything’ AUG. 14, 2018  Peter Jesserer Smith

The professor of moral theology says the scandal surrounding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick’s predations on children, seminarians and priests, has exposed a toxic problem in the Church that laity must help bishops to root out.

The new phase of the sexual abuse scandal in the Church, both in the U.S. and around the world, reveals how predatory behavior not only robbed children, men, and women of their innocence but also the joy of their faith, and, in many cases, their vocations. Janet Smith, noted professor of moral theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, told the Register that bishops must not delay, at the diocesan and national levels, to empower independent panels of laity to full investigate the issue and take steps to insure this doesn’t happen again. 

What do you think needs to be done about Archbishop McCarrick?

Just as everyone else, I am appalled not only at what Archbishop McCarrick did but at the failure of those who “knew” about his heinous activities to do anything to prevent him from continuing to abuse boys and seminarians and thus, consequently, to prevent his advancement in the Church.

I think we likely already know the answer to some of the questions that everyone is asking: Who knew, what did they know, and what did they do or not do about it?

The answers: It is likely that many bishops have “heard” something, and certainly those who moved in his circles heard a lot. They heard the beach house stories, and likely few of them did anything at all about it beside express horror. Likely a few spoke to those in a position to advance him about what they heard but, obviously, their reports went unheeded.

They went unheeded because he was powerful and good at fundraising and the claim could be made that all that was offered was “rumors” — no real proof was at hand. Most will say, “I heard rumors but I didn’t have proof.” Or, “I heard rumors but it was not my responsibility to do something.” 

Some will rightly say they personally were without power or influence. They might say, “I heard rumors but there is no mechanism for reporting.” Or “I heard from others who tried to do something and they failed and perhaps were retaliated against. There is no point to my wasting my energy and ruining my chances for promotion, too.”

One thing to remember is that these men have come up together. They were in seminary together, have done a thousand things together, and they don’t want to point the finger at their friends. A lot of what goes on here is, “I don’t want to believe that of my friend.” 

They’ve got to realize that their responsibilities are much, much larger than to not embarrass or expose a fellow classmate from years ago. They have to love the Lord and love the Church more than they love their friends. 

The fact is that just about all of them had heard — do you notice how few denials there have been of “knowledge”? Sadly, some of the few who have denied it can hardly be believed.

But there is one group that likely has no excuse. That would be the bishops who sent their seminarians to the seminaries where McCarrick did his dirty work. Is it possible that they had not heard anything, that there were no complaints made to the seminary staff by seminarians about McCarrick? Did the seminary staff share this information with bishops who sent their candidates there? 

Staff who did not report, bishops who did nothing, certainly deserve to lose their positions if not much, much more. 

Let me add something to this picture: As noted, bishops upon hearing about abuse, nearly always say, “All I have are rumors; I have no proof.” I ask, “Why, if there is a bishop who is highly placed who has enormous influence, and the rumors are persistent and credible, why don’t you hire investigators? Instead of just shrugging your shoulders and saying ‘We have no proof'’’

Proof can be found. When spouses believe their spouses are cheating, often they hire an investigator. To just say, “Well, no one offered me any proof,” I find that lame and incredibly irresponsible. And of course, investigators should be hired for reports of abuse by any priest of any person.

Sadly, in this day and age, there should be really deep background checks of men being proposed to be bishops. What has been done up to now is clearly not sufficient. 

Do you think that U.S. seminarians in general are adequately protected from bishops, rectors, or other people in authority that could prey upon them sexually?

I strongly doubt that they are adequately warned about what they might face in the presbyterates into which they are entering. I have heard and read horror stories of young priests being preyed upon by homosexual priests and who have reported the abuse to their bishop and other diocesan personnel. Rather than being protected, the young priests have been told to keep quiet about it — that the predator could ruin their lives.

What do you think should be done about the #MeToo sex abuse in seminaries? 

I hope I am not being naïve (sadly, I am constantly learning that I am) but I don’t think there will be a significant #MeToo abuse movement in respect to current seminaries (though ANY abuse is outrageously wrong). But there really should be a #MeToo movement about homosexual abuse in seminaries in the past and in the priesthood both in the past and currently. 

It won’t be easy for men to come forward — they are likely mortified that they submitted to the vile approaches made to them. We will need some mechanism for reporting that does not endanger their privacy and protects them from retaliation.

How seriously do you take reports of the presence of “lavender mafias” in the priesthood?

I am convinced that they are present in nearly every diocese. And that they control some dioceses.

Why haven’t the bishops done anything about these “lavender mafias”?

I think there are a lot of good bishops who don’t want to tolerate this, but they have inherited many messes as well as the mess of a homosexual network. I don’t want to make excuses for bishops but understanding their situation is a necessary part of any solution. Dealing with sex abuse crises, closing schools and churches and trying to foster orthodoxy and build vocations consumes enormous amounts of time and energy. They have also inherited a culture that holds that if a priest has not done something criminal his private life is his private life. 

Certainly, rightly and very sadly, they fear that they will lose too many priests if the active homosexuals leave, perhaps 5%-50%. Parishes will close; services will be limited; many laity will be furious (though, others, of course, are willing to pay the price to have things cleaned up). And how could they not fear being labeled as homophobic? Finally, they also may fear what kind of “outing” of others the dismissed active homosexuals may engage in. 

Eradicating the presence of the homosexual networks in their dioceses has to be of the highest priority for bishops. If it hasn’t been before, it has to be now.

I don’t think we should attempt to force out negligent bishops — few will not have been negligent. First, who will replace them? Second, if they do what needs to be done now – and it won’t be without a price (see previous paragraph) — they will have done a great deal. A sign of their true colors will be their willingness to do public penance of some serious kind.

Do you think there is a connection between the sexual abuse of seminarians and priests, and the widespread child sex abuse crisis that exploded to the forefront little more than a decade ago?

Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that the priesthood became for some time a haven for men whose sexuality was not healthy. The previous crisis dealt largely with pedophiles and homosexual predators of young men. 

Now we need to deal with the active homosexuals in the priesthood, for they are engaged in seriously immoral behavior, which has a corrosive effect all efforts to teach, live and promote the gospel. 

Let it be said that there are certainly priests who experience same-sex attraction who are leading chaste lives — if we could we would give them awards for what has to be an heroic effort in such an environment.

How much do you think this is related to the sexual revolution? 

Hugely. And, as everyone knows by now, I think the pill was the major element that fueled the sexual revolution. When people became convinced that having sex did not need to be an act of “making love and making life,” sex became “just sex” — just a momentary intense physical pleasure that could be engaged in by any consenting person, no matter what their sex. And so men who had a homosexual inclination in the priesthood concluded that there was no reason for them not to enjoy sexual pleasures. They reasoned (even if unconsciously), “Spouses are using contraception and rendering their acts nonprocreative, so how do our acts differ from theirs?” 

What happens when seminarians and young priests are coerced or pressured into sex acts by their superiors?

It’s horrendous. It’s corrupting a young man who wants to dedicate his life to the Lord. And then you’ve not only gravely harmed that young man, which is horrible, but you deny the Church a vocation. 

An abused young man might leave or he might stay and decide that he, too, is a homosexual, and he becomes part of the network. What kind of an effective witness can he be to the hard truths that the Church expects us to live? He can’t be. It is ruination of so many things.

If the Church hierarchy is going to show they are serious about this issue, what steps do they need to take immediately?

It grieves me that we cannot trust the bishops to take care of this internally. Surely there are trustworthy bishops but unfortunately now all of them live under the same cloud. It seems very likely that they will set up a lay commission to look into the McCarrick case. I am afraid, though, that once that investigation is over, too many bishops will think the crisis is behind them and they can move on. 

We can’t let that happen. I fear too few bishops realize that a powerful group of laity is outraged at the control that the lavender mafias have over dioceses and the damage they have done to the priesthood and the Church. I know many who are brainstorming about how we can help move the bishops to “clean up” the priesthood, even though — let me never tire of saying it — it is going to be terribly costly. Some dioceses will lose so many priests that parishes may have to close and Masses will need be said in the local stadium, or so many people will leave the Church, Masses will be able to be said in a closet. 

Those of us who are in a position to do something are not going to “go after” the bishops. We want to find ways to help the good bishops clean up their diocese and to expose bad bishops who won’t cooperate. We love the Church, and we believe that telling the truth serves the Church.

There needs to be a “place” where priests, seminarians, and lay people can report instances of abuse without fear of reprisal. Every bishop needs to tell the priests, the seminarians in his diocese (diocesan and religious), and the lay people, “Tell everything. Everything.” 

A trusted group of laypeople with the help of law enforcement experts will determine which accusations seem credible and do what investigations need to be done to ensure that they are. And then some procedure will be developed for working with the local bishop to clean up the mess. If a bishop won’t cooperate, methods need to be devised for dealing with that scandalous reality.

And, of course, it is not just the lavender mafia that is a scandalous and toxic problem in the priesthood. There is no place in the priesthood for adulterers, substance abuses, power-hungry narcissists and the ever-present problem of clericalism. 

In the long run we hope to help bishops see the need to foster a more Christian, more ascetic, spiritual life among their priests — modelling all this themselves. And we need to help the seminaries form men who seek holiness and retain their backbones.

What can the laity do right now?

We should certainly pray and fast and try to keep our faith strong and that of others.

We also need to help other Catholics see how seriously bad the presence of homosexual networks in the Church is. We should write letters to our bishop. We should 1) commend our bishop for the good works he has done 2) demand a clean-up of whatever homosexual network exists in the diocese. Carefully give evidence if we have some prefaced by “I have heard; I don’t know if it is true but I have heard it enough to think queries if not an investigation should be made.” Demand that if there are credible accusations against priests and more evidence is needed, that private investigators need to be hired 3) tell him that if cleaning up the homosexual network means that there will be such a priest shortage that parishes will close and services will be curtailed, say that we will stand by him and support his actions 4) that a lay board be set up to which priests and others can make charges of sexual harassment by the bishop himself and priests and the particularly priests can report any mistreatment from the bishop without fear of reprisals; 5) send the bishop copies of the best articles published expressing lay outrage; 6) promise to pray and fast for him 7) send copies of your letter to DiNardo and the nuncio; 8) get signatures of others who may not be inclined to write; 9) ask for a reply. Be polite but firm. And write again every month until something is done. If we don’t get a satisfactory reply, we need to consider writing to the public newspaper.

Peter Jesserer Smith is a Register staff writer.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best efforts as human beings to make sense of our lives in general - and of our human sexuality in particular - and to also include the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium; given that the Church has been accumulating the wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7     G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Violent marriages: A woman's quest to help synod bishops grasp the issue


There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't want society or public opinion to know, that even they don't want to know. To sum up those facts - accumulated in different human cultures and societies - we don't need sex to live a full life and be content. To define one's identity on the basis of our sexuality alone is to reduce our human value and dignity. I am a lot more than just my genitalia, and so are you. G.S.


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best human efforts to make sense of our lives - and of our human sexuality in particular - also including the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium. The Church has been accumulating much valuable wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7 
Father Gilles Surprenant, priest & poustinik


Violent marriages: A woman's quest to help synod bishops grasp the issue       
By Elise Harris

Vatican City, Oct 13, 2015 / 03:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Christauria Welland is a clinical psychologist who's worked with both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence – and with one in three women worldwide suffering from abuse at the hands of a partner, her goal is to make sure bishops know about the problem. Often kept secret through shame or fear of stigma, the scourge of physical and emotional violence between couples is something the Catholics are anything but immune from, and Welland says she hopes to bring about healing and change through awareness and education.

After raising the issue with Vatican officials during last year's extraordinary synod of bishops on the family, she's seeking to push the issue even further onto radar of this month's event by distributing booklets to all of the synod participants. This year's Synod on the Family runs from Oct. 4-25, is the second and larger of two such gatherings to take place in the course of a year. Like its 2014 precursor, the focus of this year's synod is the family, this time with the theme: “The vocation and mission of the family in the Church and the modern world.”

A professor and author, Welland began working in the field of domestic violence 45 years ago, and has extensive experience working in Catholic communities. She works in private practice in Solana Beach, Calif., with a hospital practice in the rehabilitation unit at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas and Paradise Valley Hospital in National City. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Alliant International University in San Diego, where she teaches a licensure course on domestic violence. For the first 25 years of her career, Welland focused on victims of domestic violence, however, for the past 20 years she has concentrated on abusive men.

She was in Rome during last year’s extraordinary synod of bishops on the family, where she met for the second time with the secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Jean Laffitte, to discuss possible initiatives designed to bring greater attention to the issue of domestic violence. At the council’s request, Welland drafted a 100-page booklet titled “How Can We Help to End Violence in Catholic Families: A Guide for Clergy, Religious and Laity,” for the Philadelphia World Meeting of Families, where she was the only speaker to present on violence inside the home. Addressing ways in which Catholics can both respond to and prevent domestic violence, as well as how to educate Catholic youth and couples on how to avoid it, the booklet is available in six languages and as of last week was distributed to all synod participants.

In an Oct. 13 interview with CNA, Welland said that domestic violence is “such a common problem that there’s probably at least one person in every extended family who’s gone through that experience.” Although she said the issue has been gaining greater awareness in the public eye, it’s still a major problem, and that the numbers tend to be higher “in countries where women have fewer rights, where their legal rights are not equal to men’s rights.” In terms of statistics, Welland said that worldwide one in three women are effected by some sort of physical or sexual abuse from their partners, while the number effected by emotional or other types of abuse could be higher.

While most countries don’t have stats on men, in the U.S. 28 percent are affected. So it’s “a very big problem worldwide,” she said, noting that, depending on the country, the lowest statistics read one in five women, whereas the highest are one in two. She defined domestic violence – frequently referred to by research professionals as “Intimate Partner Violence” (IPV) to distinguish from other types of domestic abuse – as any “physical, sexual, emotional, economic abuse, isolation” and in general “the kind of control that one partner exerts over the other.” Even though there are no specific studies exploring the frequency of IPV within Catholic families, Welland said that it still happens, and that Catholics “aren’t immune” from the phenomenon.

“I hear it every single day, from my Catholic and my non-Catholic patients, so I think it’s something we need to be really aware of,” she said. Welland said she intentionally made her booklet short and easy to read so that people would actually take an interest, and expressed her hope that synod would “focus on this issue because it is so common in Catholic families.” A recent example can be seen in a heart-wrenching open letter one Catholic woman wrote to the synod fathers, in which she tells the story of her husband’s dramatic anger problems and the failure of those around her – priests included – to provide adequate help.

One of the synod participants, Archbishop John Baptist Odama of Gulu and president of the Ugandan Episcopal Conference, has already spoken up about the issue. Archbishop Odama told CNA that in his intervention during last week’s first round of general congregation discussions, he “defended the rights of women against violence whether it be in their homes or in society in general.”

“Violence done to women, or done to children or to anybody is a violence done to the family,” he said, adding that he knows well the toll that violence can take, since his area for 20 years was “bedeviled by internal insecurity and insurgency.” What he saw during that time was “children suffering, but more the mothers who had given life to these children being put in a situation of stress and of pain.” “I lived with it and I wouldn’t wish it to happen again, not only in our area but it shouldn’t happen again in any part of the world, in a society of humanity as a whole,” the archbishop said.

Archbishop Odama explained that his intervention at the synod was aimed not just at changing the situation in the specific context of Africa, but of humanity as a whole. “In other parts (of the world), wherever it may be women suffer. So I’m addressing with a small local experience, but with a global issue…we live local but our vision of life should be global.”

Before speaking at the World Meeting of Families Welland spent a month in Africa promoting her booklet and other information surrounding IPV. She said that after presenting information to various priests, religious, catechists and several bishops in Kampala, Uganda, she got “a very positive response,” and published the booklet there in both English and French.

In terms of African “there’s a very great interest,” she said. “I would say priests and bishops, sisters, anybody who is a pastoral worker is really looking for answers.” “How do I deal with this, because it is so common and it does show up in your parish office, it shows up in the confessional, it shows up in your school, in your Catechism class.”

In terms of best practices in handling situations of violence in the home, even from a pastoral standpoint, the most important things are not to blame victim and to focus on the person who needs help. “The first thing is don’t blame the victim. You don’t want to make trite comments, cliché’s like ‘you have to forgive and forget,’” Welland said, because when those comments are made “you can really put someone in danger and you don’t really help them process…you’re kind of discounting what their issue is.”

On the other hand, working with the person who is violent is crucial, because “that’s the person who has the power to change. He or she is the one who needs to make changes so the family will change.” If a person has any sort of desire to change then the change is possible, she said, noting that the percentage of people who want no change at all is normally very low.

Welland said that while she's not working with the Church directly, she leads a program in Latin America in Spanish that she developed while working with abusers in San Diego, and that most men have found her program “very effective.” She voiced her hope that the synod fathers would give the issue the attention it needs and deserves during the synod, and that they would find her booklet helpful in terms of knowing how to handle situations of IPV on a pastoral level.

“If we want to have good marriages in the Church and happy families, if you take that through domestic violence you’re not going to get that goal, that’s never going to happen,” she said. “So it’s really important to know how to be aware of it and help people prevent it, and if it shows up to know how to treat it and how to respond to it.”


My purpose in these posts is to bring together significant and, where possible, representative echoes of our best efforts as human beings to make sense of our lives in general - and of our human sexuality in particular - and to also include the voice of Jesus Christ, the one Saviour of the world, and testimonies from his Church, such as through her teaching voice, the Magisterium; given that the Church has been accumulating the wisdom granted her by Almighty God since her foundation at Pentecost. In this way, wherever there is darkness in our human understanding, it will serve to highlight the bright and radiant truth, which is Jesus Christ: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also." John's Gospel 14:6-7     G.S.


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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"I worry that my husband may leave me." OR "I am troubled that my wife no longer loves me." What light is there to dispell our darkness from the Wisdom of God revealed in his Eternal Word?

  ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are facts and truths that "sexual libertarians" don't...